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​​​​​​​We​ welcome YOU to our Loving, Healing Church!​

​​First Church of Christ, Scientist Rocky River is a branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts.   We are located at the corner of Detroit and Wagar Roads in Rocky River, Ohio.

We welcome you to attend our services and to bring your children to our Sunday School!​  

Note that we are currently offering both in-person and remote services.​

Sunday Services:

Sunday services are held at 10 AM.  Children up to the age of 20 are welcomed in our Sunday School at the same hour.  Those too young for Sunday School are lovingly cared for in our children's room.

Wednesday Services:

Wednesday evening services are held at 7:30 PM.  The children's room is available during this time for those too young to attend.   See additional information about our services in the About us link.​ 

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​​​​​Attend our Services Virtually! 

  You may attend virtually using one of these methods:  

1)  Dial by phone:  1-312-626 6799  (The meeting ID is: 296-228-7193# )

2)  Dial by computer:  You can also call into the meeting on a computer by clicking HERE ​​(if you have not installed the ZOOM software, you will be guided through the process after you click the link)

     Click HERE ​for instructions on how to give a testimony for a Wed night service or 
for our Thanksgiving day service



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